The Spa' tique

Hello From Nancy!
As the founder of RegenLIFE, our goal is to inspire others to THRIVE within their own skin at any age! As a proud single mom of four, entrepreneur and multi-certified anti-aging & fitness expert for over 30 years, I have coached, trained and mentored thousands of people around the world, from youth to the elderly and from all walks of life. Through my 30 years of experience developing wellness programs & working with my RegenLIFE team, I have helped others achieve personal, physical, spiritual and professional success around their busy lives. Coined as a passionate encourager, I truly believe it is my life mission and purpose to embody whole-hearted wellness and share it with YOU .
Now that I am "in my 50's", I can honestly say, coaching individuals from a global platform has been the most rewarding experience of my life; second only to raising my 4 FANTASTIC children, Jaynee, Jack, Jace and Kylee! I look forward to speaking with you personally, and connecting on one of our platforms.
RegenLIFE Anti-Aging Spa-tique invites you to learn more about: Tissue Therapy, Peptides & Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy, Body Sculpting, Non-Invasive Face/Body Lifts, Muscle SculptFit+RF, Cellulite Blaster, HIFU, RF Skin Tightening, Detox Lymphatic Vibration, Custom Nutrition & Fitness Plans, Skincare,
RAWC-Real Authentic Women Connect Podcasts & Retreats and Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness Coaching & workouts". We have a list of professionals that we can refer you to work with regarding all of these modalities!
Interested in opening your own Spa'tique? Contact Nancy for more information at and please follow me on Facebook and Instagram @NancyAnderbergCoach
Blessings to You and Yours~
Nancy Anderberg & The RegenLIFE AntiAging Team
Ask us about our Signature "Inside-Out" Transformation & don't forget to follow us on social media @theantiagingspa

Our Signature
At RegenLIFE Spa'tique, we curated a fully comprehensive signature package to offer our clients embarking on their wellness and anti-aging journey. We encourage clients to start at any age as we facilitate a transformation from the inside out.
This Signature Special is a great solution for those getting ready for an event (wedding, reunion, milestone birthday, etc.) as well as for those looking for a youthful rejuvenation.
Our Signature Antiaging Package includes:
6 month transformation engagement
9 treatments (3 appointments treating 3 areas each)
Custom fitness and workout plan
Custom nutrition plan and recipes
Custom supplements packages
Weekly 1:1 Coaching throughout
Invitation to the private Facebook group (education, support, and more)